The ankle, crucial for mobility, encounters a spectrum of conditions affecting its function and comfort. Sprains, Achilles tendonitis, and plantar fasciitis cause pain and mobility limitations. Fractures, including malleolus fractures, disrupt stability. Syndesmotic sprains and ligament tears add complexity. Nerve compressions like tarsal tunnel syndrome impair sensation. Impingement syndromes and osteoarthritis pose challenges. Post-operative rehabilitation following surgeries is vital for recovery. Treatment involves addressing muscle imbalances, physical therapy, and ergonomic adjustments to alleviate pain and restore ankle function, enhancing overall mobility and quality of life.
We address additional Ankle issues listed below.
- Ankle sprains (inversion or eversion sprains)
- Achilles tendonitis (inflammation of the Achilles tendon)
- Plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the plantar fascia)
- Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD or adult-acquired flatfoot)
- Peroneal tendonitis (inflammation of the peroneal tendons)
- Ankle fractures (e.g., lateral malleolus fracture, medial malleolus fracture, or posterior malleolus fracture)
- Syndesmotic (high ankle) sprains
- Ankle instability
- Tarsal tunnel syndrome (compression of the tibial nerve in the ankle)
- Anterior ankle impingement (e.g., from osteophytes or scar tissue)
- Posterior ankle impingement (e.g., from soft tissue or bony structures)
- Ankle osteoarthritis
- Talocrural joint stiffness (limited ankle dorsiflexion or plantarflexion)
- Ankle synovitis
- Ankle ligament tears (e.g., anterior talofibular ligament, calcaneofibular ligament)
- Ankle dislocation or subluxation
- Ankle arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis)
- Ankle muscle strains (e.g., gastrocnemius or soleus strains)
- Ankle pain associated with overuse or repetitive strain
- Post-operative rehabilitation following ankle surgeries (e.g., ankle arthroscopy, ankle ligament reconstruction, ankle fracture repair)